Ottawa Taco Fest 2016

Last week Saturday was just perfect.Had an amazing lunch with a friend, and of course cracked open a couple on wine bottles. To top it all off I attended the Taco Fest that evening.

Unfortunately I was not able to buy my tickets online because they were sold out. Which was one of the things that bothered me. The event started at 5pm, but they only started selling tickets at the door at 7pm. Oh well, all is good I got to attend none the less.

I hate to be negative but, there were insane lines at each station. I feel like with the amount of people who attended there was not enough selling stations. You would literally wait over 20 minutes for a taco. So I ended up getting myself beers as I waited, and it helped. My friends boyfriend ended up having to go to a different line up so we kill two birds with one stone.



This was the first day of me eating meat, and oh did I enjoy my Pulled Pork, Spicy Beef, Jerk Chicken Taco. It was a great way of ending March Madness of No Meat, and even if I was still doing the no meat challenge, they also had Vegan and Vegetarian options.

I will for sure be attending the next Taco Fest, I just hope they do something about the long lines.Also can the beer not be $8.00 like are you trying to kill me.

Who Doesn’t Love Tacos

Taco Fest Ottawa is around the corner, and I am beyond excited. It’s Ottawa’s third annual Taco Fest, and this will be my first time ever attending.

Tacos are going for $2-5, that’s amazing of course, and all the money goes to support local businesses. So I will be eating a lot of tacos that evening.

Now for those in Ottawa and are interested, tickets are $10 online and all of this takes place April 2nd.

Now I am a serious foodie I believe, and as some of you know I am not eating meat this month. So boy was I happy that the Taco Fest is happening in April. Now trust me I’m not going to go crazy on the meat because the last time I went months not eating meat and I decided to eat a Full Chicken I was sick to my stomach. Yes I know I over did it with the full chicken but I was excited. So believe me, at the Taco Fest I shall take it slow.

Now regarding my progress, today is Day16 of no meat. 15 more days left, and I am doing great. I am at a point where I do not think about meat, like I have to be reminded by my friends that ” oh you’re not eating meat this month ey”. It all just seems normal. Honestly I’d love to do this no meat thing for a longer time but I wouldn’t be 100% in it, maybe 90% in it. I mean nothing wrong in having a steak once in a while. Before this my diet was only fish and chicken so maybe that’s why it wasn’t that big of a change. None the less I’m loving this experience.

Back to the main reason for this blog

At the Taco Fest I will be enjoying beef, chicken, fish and veggie Tacos.

Uberly excited for this event, hope some of you can attend something like this. Can’t wait to let you guys know how it went.


41Weeks left to complete my 52Things

Grass Eating Life 

Guess what,

Today is Day 10 of me not eating meat. When I say meat I mean chicken, beef and STEAKS. One of my 52Things to do was No Meat for a full month.
I won’t lie I was tempted to make February my official month of not eating meat, cause I mean it’s only 29 days. You need to understand those few days make a difference, but ey it would not be a challenge if I did such.

So the whole of March I am not touching any meat, I will how ever be having fish. I’m sorry there had to be an exception. So please to my vegetarian and vegan friends don’t try put down what I am doing. I am trying my level best.

People have been asking me how it is that I’m coping. I’ve realized prepping my food the night before helps a lot. Because having school, work, gym, and drinking in my day to day schedule I can’t be stressing about what not to eat. So in a way I have been meal prepping.

One problem I do have is my mother. I feel as though she is here to make my life a living hell during this month of not eating meat. First day of not having meat she cooked a FULL CHICKEN, and oh was I ever so tempted to make April the month I don’t eat meat.

Guys trust me when I say this (I know I’m only 10 days in), doing such a tasks makes you notice how much discipline and focus one can have. I feel great, and I’m loving the new recipes I am trying just because I can’t eat meat.

So I would advise everyone to try something that requires them to change their current life style for the better. I mean you won’t lose anything.

I shall keep you posted on my progress.
Wish me luck.

Sexapalooza Part 2

Better late then never,

FullSizeRender (1)

Got to attend the 2016 Sexapalooza with my two lovely ladies, (Thato, feeling herself with the fur, and Shé the lady with the white/grey hair). I seem to be too happy for life, but hey i have a Penis Lollipop who would not be happy.

Attending this event was actually fun. Once we entered the hall we were educated about dildos. Trust me 10 seconds into the conversation we stopped giggling and we had our game faces on. The lady who was selling the product was so educated about the toys, even showed us her favourite toy on the table, and of course she mad things awkward when squatted over the dildo to show us what went where (she was fully clothed).

Of course toys being sold was a given at the event, but there was other cool tables there. Wicked Wanda was at the event, and they are an Adult Novelty Store. They basically cater to all fantasies, it be beginner to experienced fetish.

Speaking about fetishes, we had an old fat man shock our nipples with electricity. Yes, you read right. It was a weird experience I must say, weird but good. Basically its a wand that you use as a toy during sex, that uses electricity to tickle your fantasy. I swear our nipples felt some type of way for hours.

Moving on,

Me being the kid that I am, personally I enjoyed all the XXX candy that was being sold. I bought an Oral Sex Candy called BJ blast. Basically you would sprinkle some in your mouth before the deed, and it will pop away. There were three flavours and we each bought one, I got green apple, and the ladies got cherry and strawberry. The deal was 3 for $10, of course we all had to get one.


Didn’t mean to expose the fact that my girl already used hers. LMAO
Also got to enjoy my penis lollipop.

Sorry About The Saliva
Was So Bummed When It Finished LOL
Now toys, fetishes and candy aside, one table that caught my attention was the Vaginas Against Violence. They were selling chocolate vaginas of course and the money earned that weekend was going to a good cause.  Other then that I always saw them around campus before. The Carleton University Vaginas Against Violence (VAV) is a club that wants to put a stop to gender based violence. Click away and learn more about them

All in all I had loads of fun. Funny enough you would think such an event would be filled with 20-30 year old, but infect it was mainly elderly couples. I kid you not, these parents were all up on each other. Every direction you looked you would see a mans hand on his ladies a*s, women in front of her bae slowly grinding on him while watching a burlesque show. Hey love and sex was for sure in the air, and who am I to hate on that.

If you have never attended Sexapalooza or a Sex Expo depending on where in the world you are, I highly suggest you attend. Nothing wrong in learning more about sex.


Today was a hectic day,

Winter in Ottawa is beyond annoying, but oh yay Ottawa set a single day snowfall record. Oh and mind you Saturday the weather was far from great. Low of -40 degrees Celsius, and trust me it was painful.

But let’s forget the crappy weather.

It’s reading week, and I can’t wait for the weekend. Simply because I will be going to Sexapalooza with my lovely girls. Completing one of my 52Things from my list.

Now urban dictionary defines Sexapalooza as: The act having so much great sex over a period of time that you cannot easily recall one specific sex act.

Well damn 😏

So just put that definition at the back of your head, and let me tell you what will be taking place at this event. It’s a unique adult consumer show and an opportunity to buy toys. Also not to mention there will be shows for entertainment, and let us not forget the people there to educate us on all aspects of sex and sexuality.

I can’t wait to attend and tell you all about the event. Don’t care how cold it gets or if we get another 50cm of snow. I shall be at the event.

Hope ya’ll enjoy the rest of your week,

45Weeks Left

The List

This is the official list of the 52 Things I will take on this year.

Travel Away From Home:

  1. Go to Botswana to see my family (preferably in December)
  2. Go to The States (Anywhere)
  3. Go to the Dominican
  4. Mini Road trip in Canada
  5. Road trip in my beautiful country Botswana


Food and Drink:

  1. Raw Diet for a week
  2. Try Oysters for the first time
  3. No Alcohol for a month
  4. Brew my own beer
  5. No Meat for a month
  6. H2O Month
  7. Make My own Wine
  8. Wine Tasting



  1. Lose 20Kg (44pounds) or more 😀
  2. Yoga Classes
  3. Mud Hero
  4. 5K Foam Fest
  5. Spartan Race
  6. Take part in a 5k or 10k run
  7. Pole Dancing/Fitness
  8. A Young 3pack for my birthday.. (abs that is)
  9. Hiking



  1. Bungee Jump
  2. Snowmobiling
  3. White Water Rafting
  4. Sky Diving
  5. CN Tower Edge Walk
  6. Zip lining
  7. Snow Boarding (actually be good at it)
  8. Hot Air Balloon
  9. PaintBall
  10. Scuba Diving


  1. Get a Hamster (Musta) 
  2. Complete 52 Blog post
  3. Get my Social Media Certificate
  4. Strip Club with the Girls
  5. Visit All the Museums in Ottawa
  6. Pottery classes
  7. Camping With Friends
  8. Volunteer for a day
  9. Attend an open mic night
  10. Paint Nite with the girls


  1. Wish Lantern Festival – Montreal
  2. Sexapolloza – Ottawa
  3. 4/20 on Parliament Hill – Ottawa
  4. Taco Fest – Ottawa
  5. Escapade – Ottawa
  6. Hockey Game – Ottawa
  7. Rib Fest – Ottawa
  8. Canadian Tulip Festival – Ottawa
  9. Bluesfest – Ottawa
  10. Caribana – Toronto


I see myself having a good year. Some of these things are simple, but they’re simply things I would love to do through out the year. I shall capture all the things I do through out the year, and of course I will include other things I take part in. 🙂



Now, not that this is something I don’t value, but I have been busy/distracted. During the holidays the idea of blogging seemed beyond simple, and trust even with the silence there were countless days I would tell myself ” ok no Oratile today you have to blog about your progess”. Psh… at least that’s finally happening today.

Better late then never.

So I have faith that I shall be here regularly. My life shall be School, Work, Fun, Completing my 52 Things, and of course Blogging about them.

Good news I Completed my List, and I shall post it tomorrow.



Happy New Year! 


First things first, thanks to those who gave me some suggestions for the 52 Things to do. I really appreciate it, but let’s get to this blog.

I really thought I’d be back here like January 2nd, but no 2015 technically ended on December 39th. Finally reality clicked, so happy New Year guys.

Thus far I’ve only got a few things to add to my list. I don’t know maybe I’m over thinking this but it’s hard to come up with things to do. I literally come up with something but then I question if its really challenging, but here’s what I have so far;

  1. Go to Botswana
  2. Go to New York
  3. Mini road trip in Canada
  4. Road trip in my beautiful country Botswana (with my cousins)
  5. Cook one new recipe every month
  6. Try one new food I have never tasted every month
  7. No alcohol for a month
  8. Brew my own beer
  9. Lose 20kg (44 pounds)
  10. Run 5km race
  11. Mud Hero
  12. Polar Hero
  13. Spartan Race
  14. Go to the movie theatre every month (Movie buddy anyone???)
  15. Weekly blog post on my progress
  16. Get my Social Media Certificate
  17. Bungee Jump
  18. Snowmobiling
  19. White Water Rafting
  20. Sky Diving
  21. CN Tower Edge Walk
  22. Zip lining.

So far these are the only 22 Things I have come up with, and I shall have my other 30 by Sunday. Need to get serious and actually get down the 52 Things, and again do feel free to help me out I would appreciate it. At least you now can see the kind of Things I have in mind to take on through out the year.

51 Weeks remain

Enjoy your Week guys


52 Things To Do In 52 Weeks

Hello, (Adele Voice)

For those who know me, you know I love to do random things, and I always try to challenge myself. Well here I go again, I mean why not.

I am so excited to be starting this blog, and I am really nervous ( don’t laugh at me please). Basically I thought about this a few minutes ago, mentioned it to my friends. They asked what I was going to write about and that’s when I realized I had no idea. My friend Cinthya mentioned I could do a Fashion Blog, then she quickly mentioned “but you’re not very stylish”. *Sigh* thanks Cinthya… That’s when I thought about the bucket list I did when I was in my first year of University at Carleton here in Ottawa (2010). It wasn’t a total fail, got to do things I wouldn’t have tried thanks to the bucket list.

Now the one thing that was a total fail was my attempt of the 2015 Book Challenge. I was meant to read all kinds of books, but I only read ONE book. Like this is so sad, 2015 is OVER and I only read one book. The only challenge I did complete was reading a memoir. My pick was Not That Kind Of Girl by Lena Dunham, and I feel in love with her of course. So that was the only good thing I got from attempting The 2015 Book Challenge.

Hopefully I do complete this challenge I have going for myself. So in case you could not tell by my title my Blog is about the 52 Things I am going to do in 52 Weeks, in the year 2016. I haven’t come up with all the 52 Things but I hope to have them down come the New Year. Please do feel free to give me some ideas, I believe I am open to anything (I think lol). I just want to challenge myself, it be mentally, physically, emotionally and so on. I Love food, drinking, to travel, having fun in general. I would love for you guy to follow me during all of this, I believe it’s going to be fun.

Hopefully I won’t bore you guys, and enjoy the rest of your holiday. Please be safe, and take a shot for me.

Thanks for reading…52 weeks